Ramadan Al-Mubarak

Alhamdulillah, we met Ramadan again this year. Alhamdulillah, Allah still give us the opportunities to increase our 'pahala' by fasting and doing other ibadah such as solat sunat Tarawikh, reading Al-Quran Al-Karim, and so on. At the same time, we get two kind of happiness that Allah gives to us, which are the time during break of fast and when me meet The Creature Of the World (Al-Malik Al-'Azim), Allah Azza Wa Jalla afterdays.

Remember five things before coming other fives.
Young before Old
Healthy before Sick
Wide before Narrow
Rich before Poor
Life before Die

Every people will be called by Allah one day after borrowing 'jasad' from Allah. But we have to thank Allah SWT because He still give us the chances to be in Ramadan this year. Ramadan is a month fulled of 'rahmah'(affection) and 'maghfirah'(forgiveness) as well as afar from Neraka Jahannam. Just to remind me and all of you the meaning of life in Ramadan, these names are the most familiar people in our life, Allahyarhamah Nor Hafizah binti Hassan(our friend), Allahyarham Ustaz Asri(Rabbani's vocalist), and others. May Allah place them with the 'al-mukminun'. Amin.

Hope we are chosen by Allah to live the last 10 Ramadan's night especially in Al-Qadr night. InsyaAllah.

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