ok,kali ini,si tukangkate ingin memperkenalkan sebuah buku yg betol2 berguna dan manfaat yg tdk terhingge tuk kite.rmai menyedari tentang perkare ini lewat samada mereke sudah berumur atau pn sudah terlalu bnyk mslh berkaitn kewangan mereka.yup,saye ingin mnyentuh soal kewangn kerane kite masing2 sudah meningkat dewase dan ape jua yg kite ade adelah kepunyaan kite dan kite yg seharusnye menguruskannye dgn sebaeknye.baeklah,inilah bukunye,
The Cash Flow Quadrant by Robert T. Kiyosaki
This books is created by Robert T. Kiyosaki, financial advisors of Bill Gates (the owner Microsoft Corporation). This book writes to achieve financial freedom. In his book, Robert T. Kiyosaki separated people into left-quadrant and right-quadrant. Left quadrant is people who works to get money and in the right quadrant is system who works to get money.In the left quadrant, there are 2 kinds of job type, they are :
E = Employee
S = Self Employee
And in the right quadrant, there are 2 kinds of job type, they are :
B = Bussiness Owner
I = Investor
The differences people in left quadrant and right quadrant is that people in left quadrant can’t leave their bussiness for a long time whereas people in right quadrant can leave it for a long time because they have assets (system) that works for them.
Here is the example of each type :
Employee, if we are an employee in company, sometime when we can’t work because of illness or something urgent, so you will not get salary for that day.
Self Employee, let’s take an example if you are a doctor, if the doctor can’t work he earn nothing too.
Bussiness Owner, the owner of Mc Donald, if the owner want to take vacation a few months or years, the bussiness will keep moving and that means he will always get earning because the existing system and his employees keep moving.
Investor, when you deposit your money or assets in banks or real estate, and then you go to holiday, the assets will work for you. You can get your earning from your assets although you aren’t working.
Actually the successful Employee and Self Employee, should be the successful investor too, and this book can help them to learn the skill to be successful investor. Because now days, the information is more important than industrial.
The conclution from me is :
Left Quadrant : if you are more rich, so you will be more busy because you are the system or the assets.
Right Quadrant : you are more rich, you will get more time and money because you have assets and system in your bussiness.
I think this book is very useful for you who want to change your life from left quadrant to right quadrant. Many people recommended this book so do I. This book will give you more valuable information.
inilah adelah review tentang buku ini daripade lmn web http://www.reviewstream.com/reviews/?p=71556.sblm itu,moleklah saye memperkenalkan pengarang buku ini,robert kiyosaki.beliau adelah seorang penasihat kewangan dan sememangnye mmpunyai pengetahuan yg cukup luas.beliau memeng terkenal dan sentiase diundang untuk memberi ceramah.untuk pngetahuan lanjut,bole bertanyekan uncle wikipedia.
tentang buku ini,ia membicarekan tentang 4 golongan yg sememangnye wujud di dunie ini,iaitu didlm the Cashflow Quadrant,iaitu E-Employee S-Self employee B-Business Owner I-Investor.Amatpenting bagi kite untuk mengetahui tentang di mane kedudukan kite.
Konklusi drpd buku ini,saye bole rumuskan bahawe golongan kiri iaitu E dan S untuk anda menjadi kaye ande perlu bekerje keras kerane anda adalah kepunyaan sistem itu,jika di golongan kanan iaitu B dan I,jika anda kaye,ande akn mmpunyai bnyk mase dan wang kerane anda memiliki sistem itu.
Oleh sebab itu,smue nye terpulang pd anda untuk menentukan diri anda dan buku ini sememangnye perlu dibace agar kite smue matang dan bijak menguruskan kewangan diri sendiri.
sekian,check check rock rock :)